Embedded Engineer2.0.13047.30
Enterprise Architect1210
Date19.10.2015 09:59

The following changes have been detected since last time generating code for this model:

Operation IdleSlowBlink {D32AEE44-B8EB-4bce-A4B5-41481DCD8CBD}Differences Model <=> CodeNew Value in Model
Changed: Both


#define HUE_FILTER_COUNT 100 static float hueFilter[HUE_FILTER_COUNT] = {0}; static int hueFilterIdx; float h = 0; int idx = 0; float distance; int animationDuration = 95000; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; distance = (float)abs((FSM_getTime() % animationDuration) - (animationDuration / 2)) / (float)(animationDuration / 2); me->variableWaitTime = 10 + (1 - distance) * 10; hueFilter[hueFilterIdx++ % HUE_FILTER_COUNT] = me->acc.angle; // filter the hue values for (idx = 0; idx < HUE_FILTER_COUNT; idx++) { { h += hueFilter[idx]; } } h /= HUE_FILTER_COUNT; for (idx = 0; idx < me->lst.lightCount; idx++) { { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, h, 1, distance); } if (distance < 0.01) { { me->animationSwitchable = true; } else { } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst); <<<<<<< .model #define HUE_FILTER_COUNT 100 static float hueFilter[HUE_FILTER_COUNT] = {0}; static int hueFilterIdx; float h = 0; int idx = 0; float distance; int animationDuration = 900; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; distance = (float)abs((FSM_getTime() % animationDuration) - (animationDuration / 2)) / (float)(animationDuration / 2); me->variableWaitTime = 10 + (1 - distance) * 10; hueFilter[hueFilterIdx++ % HUE_FILTER_COUNT] = me->acc.angle; // filter the hue values for(idx = 0; idx < HUE_FILTER_COUNT; idx++) { h += hueFilter[idx]; } h /= HUE_FILTER_COUNT; for(idx = 0; idx < me->lst.lightCount; idx++) { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, h, 1, distance); } if(distance < 0.01) { me->animationSwitchable = true; } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst); ======= #define HUE_FILTER_COUNT 100 static float hueFilter[HUE_FILTER_COUNT] = {0}; static int hueFilterIdx; float h = 0; int idx = 0; float distance; int animationDuration = 5000; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; distance = (float)abs((FSM_getTime() % animationDuration) - (animationDuration / 2)) / (float)(animationDuration / 2); me->variableWaitTime = 10 + (1 - distance) * 10; hueFilter[hueFilterIdx++ % HUE_FILTER_COUNT] = me->acc.angle; // filter the hue values for (idx = 0; idx < HUE_FILTER_COUNT; idx++) { h += hueFilter[idx]; } h /= HUE_FILTER_COUNT; for (idx = 0; idx < me->lst.lightCount; idx++) { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, h, 1, distance); } if (distance < 0.01) { me->animationSwitchable = true; } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst); >>>>>>> .code
Operation FirstPrize {2EA025D2-7EC9-4bd6-959B-6E2CCD320EE3}Differences Model <=> CodeNew Value in Model
Changed: Code


static const int sektorSize = 34; static int sektorStart = 0; static const float hue1 = 0.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static const float hue2 = 120.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static const float hue3 = 240.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static uint32_t animationCount = 0; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; uint8_t ledCount = me->lst.lightCount; int idx = 0; int cnt = 0; me->variableWaitTime = 120; // draw the sectors for (cnt = 0; cnt < ledCount; cnt++) { idx = (sektorStart + cnt) % ledCount; if (cnt < sektorSize * 1) { { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue1, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } else if (cnt < sektorSize * 2) { { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue2, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { } else { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue3, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } if (animationCount >= 1000 && sektorStart == 0) { me->animationSwitchable = true; animationCount = 0; sektorStart = 0; } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; animationCount++; sektorStart = (sektorStart + 1) % ledCount; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst);static const int sektorSize = 34; static int sektorStart = 0; static const float hue1 = 0.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static const float hue2 = 120.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static const float hue3 = 240.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static uint32_t animationCount = 0; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; uint8_t ledCount = me->lst.lightCount; int idx = 0; int cnt = 0; me->variableWaitTime = 20; // draw the sectors for (cnt = 0; cnt < ledCount; cnt++) { idx = (sektorStart + cnt) % ledCount; if (cnt < sektorSize * 1) { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue1, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else if (cnt < sektorSize * 2) { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue2, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue3, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } if (animationCount >= 1000 && sektorStart == 0) { me->animationSwitchable = true; animationCount = 0; sektorStart = 0; } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; animationCount++; sektorStart = (sektorStart + 1) % ledCount; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst);
Operation SecondPrize {3198B5A9-B0F6-4ea8-8550-74990771E11A}Differences Model <=> CodeNew Value in Model
Changed: Model


static const float hue1 = 0.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static const float hue2 = 120.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static uint32_t cycle = 0; int idx; uint8_t ledCount = me->lst.lightCount; me->variableWaitTime = 5300; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; uint32_t cycleMod = cycle % 4; for (idx = 0; idx < ledCount; idx++) { if (idx % 4 == cycleMod || (idx + 1) % 4 == cycleMod) { { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue1, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { } else { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue2, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } if (cycle > 80) { me->animationSwitchable = true; cycle = 0; } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; cycle++; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst);static const float hue1 = 0.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static const float hue2 = 120.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; static uint32_t cycle = 0; int idx; uint8_t ledCount = me->lst.lightCount; me->variableWaitTime = 500; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; uint32_t cycleMod = cycle % 4; for(idx = 0; idx < ledCount; idx++) { if(idx % 4 == cycleMod || (idx + 1) % 4 == cycleMod) { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue1, 1.0f, 1.0f); } else { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, hue2, 1.0f, 1.0f); } } if(cycle > 80) { me->animationSwitchable = true; cycle = 0; } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; cycle++; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst);
Operation ConsolationPrize {C2FF5DD4-D0C7-43df-8386-3D4C826E17E5}Differences Model <=> CodeNew Value in Model
Changed: Model


static const float h = 24.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; int idx = 0; float distance; int animationDuration = 16500; int lightCount = me->lst.lightCount; static float decliningValue = 1.0f; static uint32_t animationCount = 0; float peak = 0.5f; float sharpness = 0.1f; int currentCycle = FSM_getTime() % animationDuration; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; me->variableWaitTime = 10; distance = (float)currentCycle / (float)animationDuration; float valuePeak = fminf(1, 0.5f + fmaxf(0, exp(-((distance - peak) * (distance - peak)) / (2 * sharpness * sharpness)))); float value = valuePeak * decliningValue; for (idx = 0; idx < lightCount; idx++) { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, h, 1.0f, value); } if (animationCount > 500) { me->animationSwitchable = true; animationCount = 0; decliningValue = 1.0f; } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; animationCount++; decliningValue -= (500.0f - animationCount) / 120000.0f; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst);static const float h = 24.0f * APP_PI / 180.0f; int idx = 0; float distance; int animationDuration = 1600; int lightCount = me->lst.lightCount; static float decliningValue = 1.0f; static uint32_t animationCount = 0; float peak = 0.5f; float sharpness = 0.1f; int currentCycle = FSM_getTime() % animationDuration; me->lst.brightness = 1.0f; me->variableWaitTime = 10; distance = (float)currentCycle / (float)animationDuration; float valuePeak = fminf(1, 0.5f + fmaxf(0, exp(-((distance - peak) * (distance - peak)) / (2 * sharpness * sharpness)))); float value = valuePeak * decliningValue; for(idx = 0; idx < lightCount; idx++) { LightStrip_SetColorHSV(&me->lst, idx, h, 1.0f, value); } if(animationCount > 500) { me->animationSwitchable = true; animationCount = 0; decliningValue = 1.0f; } else { me->animationSwitchable = false; animationCount++; decliningValue -= (500.0f - animationCount) / 120000.0f; } LightStrip_UpdateLights(&me->lst);

Generated by LieberLieber Embedded Engineer