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Getting started

LemonTree.Connect.Automation is a headless (no UI), server-based version of LemonTree.Connect to import and export between Polarion and Enterprise Architect Modeler.

It is build to be able to deployed easily on your agents allowing integration into your Jenkins, Teamcity or similar workflows.

How to Install LemonTree.Connect.Automation

To setup LemonTree.Connect.Automation we recommend a zipped deployment for most use cases.

Zipped Deployment

You can download the latest version from our server via

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -outfile ""

Just extract to a folder of your choice and you are ready to go.


Direct license deployment

The most straightforward approach is to add the a license file directly on your agent. We recommend adding your license file to the following directory:


For other possible license location please refer to the license section.

Remote deployment

Another approach is to supply the license with each command. Just add --license command with the path to your .lic file. In our example repositories we typically store the "License Text" in a Secret and create the .lic file on the fly when we execute the build skript.

--license C:\Path\To\your\License.lic

Floating license

Last option is to utilize a central rlm server adding your license(s) to it. This way your agents only request their license during runtime managing check-out and -in automatically. You still need a .lic file locally but with only one line.

HOST (Hostname) ANY (Port)

For more information see Licensing#Floating.

Basic Functionality

LemonTree.Connect.Automation supports two main functionalities by commands: * Import Imports elements from Polarion based on a 'Package' guid * Export Exports elements to Polarion based on a 'Package' guid

Also there is always the possibility to get more information with the command * help Display more information on a specific command

More Information

Contact us to get your trial today!