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On Installation, LemonTree.Connect.Automation creates the following directory:


To apply your provided license, please manually copy it into this directory before starting LemonTree.Automation.

During runtime LemonTree.Connect.Automation also checks current working directory, subfolder "Licenses" and ProgramData


for valid licenses.

We recommend using ProgramData for persistent storage on build agent or to supply the license manually with each command (see next Section).

--license Argument

All commands can be extended with a --license option to ensure a specific license is being used. This option takes either an folder or a .lic-file directly.

If a folder is specified the first found .lic license is used.


As with LemonTree floating licenses can be used to centralize license managment for multiple build agents.

Checkin / Checkout

No manual action regarding a floating license is required by the user. LemonTree.Automation automatically requests a license on startup, and returns it on shutdown. The checkout of the license is done on startup, and the license is automatically returned when the process is through.


A floating license has a maximum validity of 1 hour. If the agent does not actively re-request the license in this time frame, the license can automatically be used by another process.

Hold Time

The term "Hold time" refers to an amount of time during which a checked-out license is not given out to another agent, even if the license has been checked-in. This hold time is ensured by the licensing server.

Floating Licenses Configuration

Such a file has the ending .lic and consists of a single line:

HOST (Hostname) ANY (Port)

(Hostname) and (Port) are replaced by the name and the port of your RLM Server.

For example, if you were to configure an rlm-server named "rlm" that runs on port 1234, the content of the file would look like this:

HOST rlm ANY 1234

Configuring Multiple RLM Servers

LemonTree.Automation supports the usage of multiple configured RLM Servers and will attempt to obtain a floating license from either of these servers. Such a setup may be used for increased redundancy. Configuring LemonTree.Automation to use multiple RLM servers must be done by manually creating the corresponding license setting files.

To configure multiple RLM Servers, create a separate configuration file for each RLM Server you want to use.

Git Secrets

Another convenient way to store your license is via git-secrets. To see git-secrets in action have a look at our trainings repository.