Floating license

We require the Host ID of the target machines to provide you with LieberLieber Software Floating Licenses.

Please download the RLM license server provided by LieberLieber Software.

RLM license server Windows Version 16

RLM license server Linux Version 16

RLM license Administraion

RLM license server installation instructions

Next step: determine the Host ID

Floating License - RLM Admin Web Interface

The server shows the Host ID in the admin web interface under "Systeminfo"


Floating License - Tool-Based

Determine the host ID by running rlmutil.exe with the parameter rlmhostid on the local machine.

The output should look something like this:


The host ID is the entire string after the colon, so in this case:

  • disksn=00523_B8_C1005B_BF.6

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The LieberLieber Support Team

LieberLieber Software GmbH

Office: Handelskai 340, 1020 Vienna, Austria

Telephone: +43 662 90600 2017

Telefax: +43 662 90333 3017

Email: support@lieberlieber.com

Internet: www.lieberlieber.com / blog.lieberlieber.com