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Getting started with LemonTree.Connect codebeamer

The screenshots from this documentation were created with EA version 16.1.1624.

1 Import Requirements from codebeamer

  1. To start the import of requirements from a codebeamer tracker select a package, where the requirements from codebeamer shall be imported to:
    Right-click the package and select Specialize > LemonTree.Connect codebeamer > Import from codebeamer:


  2. If the credentials haven't been configured yet, the authentication dialog will appear (see Credentials for the codebeamer Server).

  3. In the next step, the tracker for the import as well as the mapping have to be configured for the import. For more details, please refer to this page:
    Mapping Configuration

  4. After the configuration has been saved, the import will automatically start.

  5. Before the model in EA will be changed, LemonTree.Connect will display how much elements will be added or modified. If you agree to this action, confirm with "Yes":


  6. After the import was finished, confirm the message box:


    This will trigger a reload of the EA project, in order to see the changes done to the EA project file.

It is possible to navigate from an imported requirement to the original element in codebeamer.
A simple double-click onto the element in EA will open the original tracker item in codebeamer in the configured standard browser.

2 Export Architecture to codebeamer

codebeamer Prerequisites

In order to export elements from EA to codebeamer, the tracker has to be configured correctly. For this configuration, see Configure a codebeamer Tracker for Export of EA Elements.

  1. To start the export of architecture elements to a codebeamer tracker, select the package from which the architecture elements shall be exported.
    Right-click the package and select Specialize > LemonTree.Connect codebeamer > Export to codebeamer:


  2. In the next step, the tracker for the export as well as the mapping have to be configured for the export. For more details, please refer to this page:
    Mapping Configuration

  3. Continue with "Save".

  4. After the configuration has been saved, the export will automatically start.
  5. Before the tracker in codebeamer will be changed, LemonTree.Connect will display how much elements will be added or modified. If you agree to this action, confirm with "Yes":


  6. After the export was finished, confirm the message box:


  7. Reload the tracker in codebeamer to see the exported architecture elements.

It is possible to navigate from an exported architecture element to the original element in Enterprise Architect.
The link to the EA element is stored as an "Association" at the tracker item in codebeamer:

Add Association

If you follow this link, the element will be selected in the corresponding EA project file, if it is opened.

If you don't have it opened, the file provided in the hyperlink will be opened.

EA Loading Time

Depending on your EA installation and on your system specification, the opening of EA and the selection of the element in EA can take several minutes.

3 Synchronize Traces between EA and codebeamer

Traceability links between elements in codebeamer, as well as in Enterprise Architect are synced between the two tools during both import and export.

For more details on the respective functions, please refer to these pages:

Import of Traceability Links between codebeamer Elements

Export of Traceability Links between codebeamer Requirements and EA Architecture Elements