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Tree Browser

(A) Left column (B )Middle column (Merge Preview) Right column (only in merge mode)
...represents the changes from A respective to the Base.
(Example: Orange element "WriteLL" tells ut that this has changed in A)
...represents the changes from B respective to the Base.
(Example: Green "DisplayInfo" tells us that this is new in B)
...presents the "merge preview" which shows the model how it will be written by LemonTree according to the changes selected from A/B.
When the changes are overwritten the merge preview will be updated according to the new decision.

Merge Preview

The Tree Browser is close to the Project Browser in Enterprise Architect (EA).In the Tree Browser the elements are listed in the structure of the EA Project Browser.

The Tree Browser doesn't list all elements but only the elements where LemonTree detected changes or elements which are required to show these changed elements (for example owners).

The Diagram Viewer always shows the diagram with all elements on it. When you select an element on a diagram that hasn't changed, LemonTree cannot select the corresponding element in the Tree Browser (and Impacted Elements/Diagrams lists) since it is not available.

LemonTree Colour Theme

Child Modified

Detailed Feature Description