

LemonTree.Automation.exe diff --mine={minePath} --theirs={theirsPath} [-–base={basePath}] [--sfs={singleSessionFile}] [--diffreportfilename={xmlFile} [--reportincludediagrams={True|False}]]
Argument Description Required
--mine The 'mine' version of the model, often called 'B'. Yes
--theirs The 'theirs' version of the model, often called 'A'. Yes
--base The common base version of the models. If omitted base is set to --theirs.
--sfs Save the session in a session file.
--DiffReportFilename The xml file to contain the Diffreport.
--ReportIncludeDiagrams (Default: false) If set diagrams will be added to the diffreport
--license Path to a folder or file with a license.
--verbosity Sets the verbosity level of the logging.

Powershell Example: This performs a three-way diff and saves the session file.

LemonTree.Automation.exe diff --base base.eapx --mine mine.eapx --theirs theirs.eapx --sfs sessionfile.ltsfs
echo Exitcode $LASTEXITCODE