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PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager

This guide should work with Integrity Lifecycle Manager 10.3+ and newer.

LemonTree Tool integration

Download our config file: IntegrityClientSite.rc and place it directly in your install directory. <Integrity Lifecycle Manager Client Installation Directory>\IntegrityClientSite.rc

Alternatively, you can also add the following lines manually:


diffTools.lieberlieber.commandLine="C:\\Program Files\\LieberLieber\\LemonTree\\LemonTree.Starter.exe" diff -t "{3}" -m "{4}" -b "{3}"

and declare lieberlieber as a diff Tool by extending the diffTools line diffTools=araxis,beyondcompare,beyondcompare2,vdiff32,windiff,lieberlieber

!!! Info It is important to set the "Diff Tool Options" to "Integrity Visual Difference Tool". Integrity then takes LemonTree for eap/eapx/qea/qeax. If you set LemonTree as a third party difference tool, then LemonTree will always be used, which makes no sense for text files or source code files."


mergeTools.lieberlieber.commandLine="C:\\Program Files\\LieberLieber\\LemonTree\\LemonTree.Starter.exe" merge -t "{5}" -m "{7}" -b "{4}" -o "{8}"
and declare lieberlieber as a merge Tool by extending the mergeTools line mergeTools=araxis,beyondcompare2,lieberlieber

UI Settings

Developer ViewSet

Preferences Configuration

Merge Problem Workaround

For merge, you cannot specify the file extension, as Integrity ignores this setting. That means it is only possible to configure one merge tool. To work around this problem there are two main possibilities: 1. Switch each time when you are checking in different file types. 2. Use a script to handles this externally. We have attached an example batch script which utilizes an external WinMerge (Note: Using the built-in Merge Tool from Integrity is not possible unfortunately) 1. Click to Download the Batch-File
2. Configure a custom Merge command in Preferences of Integrity Lifecycle Manager like so: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c %FILE-LOCATION%\FileExt.bat "{1}" "{2}" "{3}" "{4}" "{5}" "{6}" "{7}" "{8}"

Script explaination

The script get's all the parameters from Integrity, if there is an .eap or .qea file in the fifth paramater it will use LemonTree to resolve the merge. Otherwise it will utilize WinMerge as an external merge helper.

@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo.%5 | findstr /C:".eap"  /C:".qea" 1>nul 
if errorlevel 1 ( "c:\PROGRA~2\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe" /e /u /wl /leftpath %5 /middlepath %6 /wr /rightpath %7 /dl %1 /dr %3 /dm %2
) else ( "c:\PROGRA~1\LieberLieber\LemonTree\LemonTree.exe" --merge=visual -t "%5" -m "%7" -b "%4" -o "%8" )

Basic configuration

Alternatively, if you only work with EA files you can also use the following commands directly:

  • Diff: "C:\\Program Files\\LieberLieber\\LemonTree\\LemonTree.Starter.exe" diff -t "{3}" -m "{4}" -b "{3}"
  • Merge: "C:\\Program Files\\LieberLieber\\LemonTree\\LemonTree.Starter.exe" merge -t "{5}" -m "{7}" -b "{4}" -o "{8}"

More information

This article describes how to configure external differences and merge tools such as LemonTree in configuration management of Integrity Lifecycle Manager:

PTC Support Article (Login required)