LemonTree.Automation.exe svgexport --model={modelPath} --diagramdirectory={outDirectory} [--filenamepattern={0|1|2}]
Argument | Description | Required |
--model | The source 'Model' to be copied. | Yes |
--DiagramDirectory | The 'Diagram Directory' will be used as target to export the SVG diagrams to. Directory needs to exist. | Yes |
--FilenamePattern | Naming pattern for exported diagrams. 0 = guid (default), 1 = path, 2 = combined | |
--license | Path to a folder or file with a license. | |
--verbosity | Sets the verbosity level of the logging. |
Powershell Example:
This exports all diagrams from "model.eap" as SVG files into current subfolder "out". Each diagram will be named according to it's full EA path.
LemonTree.Automation.exe svgexport --model=model.eap --diagramdirectory=.\out --filenamepattern=1
echo Exitcode $LASTEXITCODE