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Release 2.6.x

LemonTree 2.6.10

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6.10 was released on March 9, 2021

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Diff and Merge LemonTree now correctly updates the sequence numbers when writing to an Oracle Database
Diff and Merge LemonTree now correctly writes Date and Time information when writing to an Oracle Database.
Previously, only the date component was written.
Diff and Merge Orphaned object constraints no longer lead to write errors during the merge
Diff and Merge Fixed a bug where the OwningRegion of a State was not set correctly during a merge

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.10 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory

LemonTree 2.6.9

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6.9 was released on January 21, 2021


Category Description
UI - Inconsistencies You can now change the minimum severity of inconsistencies LemonTree should detect.
For more details, please refer to this page: Minimum Detected Severity of Inconsistencies
UI - Inconsistencies Descriptions of inconsistencies no longer refer explicitly to Enterprise Architect
UI - Dark Mode Dark mode now uses colors which can be more easily differentiated
Web - MMS Selecting a base project automatically sets the projects for A and B to the same value
Web - MMS The branch selection field is now searchable

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Diff and Merge Notes attached to components were previously written into the merge file incorrectly, even though the merge preview showed the correct output. This has been resolved
Diff and Merge Inconsistencies in the HasCompositeDiagram are resolved during write
Diff and Merge Default xref entries of inputpins are no longer written if they weren't there before
Diff and Merge Improved error message shown when a merge would result in duplicate identifiers
UI - General The icon for states has been corrected
UI - Merge Preview Elements hidden in the merge preview because of changes in the z-order are now properly visualized
UI - Licensing Operations started without a valid license now continue when a license has been applied
UI - Licensing The error message shown when applying a perpetual license after the maintenance period has been improved
VCS Integration The LemonTree Starter no longer tries inflates the target file
VCS Integration The LemonTree Starter now checks if the target file is an LFS pointer, and will convert the written result file into an LFS pointer (by moving the actual result file into the LFS storage) if this is the case 
Web - MMS Erroneously reported IndexOutOfRangeExceptions have been removed

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.9 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory

LemonTree 2.6.8

LemonTree is an internal-only release.

LemonTree 2.6.7

LemonTree is an internal-only release.

LemonTree 2.6.6

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6.6 was released on November 2, 2020


Category Description
UI - General The color scheme has been updated to fit with the new corporate identity. This also includes a general touch-up of the design of the UI (such as rounded corners for buttons)
UI - General The dark-mode (tied to your operating system settings) now affects the entire LemonTree UI (excluding the visualization of diagrams).
There are still some minor issues related to the coloring, which will be resolved in an upcoming version.
UI - Inconsistencies The inconsistency warning now has a link to the corresponding help page
UI - Property Viewer HTML Previews now correctly color-code the displayed changes 
UI - Review Marking a grouping element as reviewed now also marks all the sub-elements as reviewed. An additional button next to the respective filter textbox can be used mark all elements matched by the current filter as reviewed/unreviewed
Web - MMS Diagrams and accompanying features are now disabled in this edition to free up space in the UI until they are supported.
Web - MMS The Model Information shows more details on the diffed project/branch
Web - MMS The icons shown for the loaded models are now more accurate
Web - MMS Properties containing arrays of arrays no longer lead to crashes

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Startup LemonTree no longer crashes when started from a "Taskbar Pin"
UI - Inconsistencies The text of the "Copy to Clipboard" button in the inconsistencies details 
UI - Property Viewer Spaces entered/copied into Tagged Value Notes are no longer persisted as question marks

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.6 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory

LemonTree 2.6.5

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6.5 was released on September 18, 2020


Category Description
UI - Property Viewer Diffs between linked documents now show the contents of the linked documents instead of the Base64 encoded string.
This feature will be further enhanced in upcoming versions of LemonTree.
UI - Diagram Viewer Virtualized Connector are now visualized as they are shown in EA

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Diff and Merge Multiplicity of elements on diagrams is now diffed. This is an EA-exlusive feature which is unrelated with the multiplicity of specific UML elements, which is represented by lowerbound and upperbound properties
Diff and Merge Copy-Pasting (part of) the content of a tagged value note no longer leads to the addition of a tag.
Diff and Merge The properties "Return Array" and "Fixed Value" are now diffed and merged

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.5 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory

LemonTree 2.6.4

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6.4 was released on August 7, 2020


Category Description
UI - Diagram Viewer Attributes and Operations are now colored according to their diff state
UI - Filtering You can now filter for elements/diagrams which have been modified differently both in A and B.
The keyword to use for this functionality is ChangeType: ModifiedBoth.
Diff and Merge Changed Z-Order of diagram objects is not detected as a difference in Class Diagrams/State Machines
This change has a potential impact on Performance. For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory
Web - MMS Three-Way-Merge is now the default option in this edition
Web - MMS MMS4 data can now be diffed
Web - MMS TLS 1.0/1.1 can now be deactivated

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Diff and Merge Operation Parameter Profiles are no longer lost on Merge
Diff and Merge The ModifiedDate of elements/diagrams which are new both in A and B can no longer be conflicted 
Property Viewer Ampersand values are now correctly encoded when editing Tagged Value Notes
VCS Integration The LemonTree Starter no longer inflates input files directly in the repository, but in a temporary folder instead.
This should resolve errors of the type Encountered 1 file(s) that should have been pointers, but weren't
VCS Integration Merging when starting a diff via console commands (for example in a git Integration) works again.
Web Merging database models into an eap(x) file works again
Web - MMS The branch lists are now correctly updated when switching the project

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.4 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory

LemonTree 2.6.3

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6.3 was released on July 10, 2020


Category Description
Inconsistencies Duplicate Entries in the t_diagramlinks are now reported as an inconsistency, as they can break the rendering of the diagram they belong to.
These inconsistencies can be resolved by the Enterprise Architect Integrity Check.
Property Viewer The editor for multi-line properties now also provides the format editing options provided by Enterprise Architect
Session The layout of the New Session Dialog has been improved.
Smart Grouping Documents belonging to classes are no longer handled as grouping elements (now identical to the handling in the tree-view)
UI - Filtering Filtering no longer hides sub-elements of matching elements if they do not match the filter themselves. If you want the filter to work like it did before, you can add the flag $OnlyMatchingChildElements to your filter.
Web Edition There's a new guide to setup LemonTree Web Edition to use https.
Web Edition - MMS The Diff of MMS Data has been significantly improved. Currently unprocesssed data is displayed as tagged values.

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Diagram Viewer CreatedDate/ModifiedDate are no longer displayed as attributes
Diagram Viewer OrthogonalSquared Connectors are now drawn more accurately
Diff and Merge The Parameters of a Sequence Diagram are stored redundantly in the PData2-field, which can overflow depending on the assigned parameters. EA cuts this redundant data to fit the PData2-field. LemonTree now replicates this behavior.
Diff and Merge Notelinks between a message and a constraint on a sequence diagram are now correctly diffed/merged.
Property Viewer Toggling from the Tagged Value "Value" to the Tagged Value Note in either the A or B Branch and then editing the note would actually edit the Tagged Value "Value". This is now resolved.
Property Viewer The correct editor (multi-line) is now used for Tagged Value Notes . 
Web Edition - MMS Security Issue in the Transfer of Authentication Information has been resolved

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.3 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.3 does not process Tagged Values as efficiently as previous versions. This will be resolved in the upcoming release.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory
Web Edition The Web Edition cannot merge DBMS sources into an EAP(X) file

LemonTree 2.6.2

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6.2 was released on June 8, 2020


Category Description
Edition There's a new version of LemonTree Web Edition, which (partially) supports diffing of OpenMbee data.
Inconsistencies List of shown inconsistencies can now be copied to the clipboard or downloaded as a .csv file.
UI - Filtering The message "No Modified Sub-Elements" shown in the impacted elements/diagrams list has been changed to "No Modified Child-Elements" so it corresponds the #ChildModified filter

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Startup LemonTree no longer takes multiple minutes to start when diffing merging files in VCS repos with large numbers of commits
(previous fix only partially solved problem)

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.2 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory
Web Edition The Web Edition cannot merge DBMS sources into an EAP(X) file

LemonTree 2.6.1

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6.1 was released on April 17, 2020.


Category Description
Diff and Merge Improved feedback during the initial load of the model (the 0 - 10 % phase of the diff)
VCS Integration LemonTree now includes a separate LemonTree Starter Exe, which solves two major problems when integrating LemonTree into Git via the .gitconfig or similar mechanisms:
Configuring LemonTree as a mergetool in a Git LFS environment
Configuring LemonTree to only diff/merge specific file extensions
Details are available here: 
LemonTree Starter
Using LemonTree Starter requires a different VCS Integration setup than the one used for previous versions of LemonTree
The guides on integrating LemonTree directly into Git have also been updated accordingly. Please refer to this guide section for details: VCS Integration
UI - Diagram Viewer Reset diagram now also resets the zoom level
UI - Diagram Viewer Zoom/Pan is no longer propagated when synchronizing "by selected element"
For an overview of the different diagram synchronization modes, please visit this page:
Diagram Synchronization
UI - Filtering Filtering updates the change numbers in the tree

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Diff and Merge Previously unhandled custom properties of elements (stored in XRef entries) are now diffed and merged. This includes the OwningRegion of states, which is needed to preserve the assignment of states to regions.
Diff and Merge QualifierValues are now diffed and merged 
Diff and Merge Code generation templates are now merged
Licensing Switching from a user to a floating license now correctly checks out a license from the server and vice versa.
Startup LemonTree no longer takes multiple minutes to start when diffing merging files in VCS repos with large numbers of commits
UI - Diagram Viewer The "de-sync" after zooming in/out the first time after opening a diagram is fixed
UI - Diagram Viewer Center Selected Element works in "Synchronize -> By Pan and Zoom" mode or "Synchronize -> No Sync" mode again.

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.1 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory
Web Edition The Web Edition cannot merge DBMS sources into an EAP(X) file

LemonTree 2.6.0

Release Date

LemonTree 2.6 was released on March 13, 2020.


Category Description
Addin - Git Features The LemonTree Enterprise Architect Addin now uses the installed Git Client.
This means that the available connection/authentication types now depend only on your local git settings, and are no longer limited by the Addin.
Should there be no installed Git Client on the local machine, the Addin will still use its included git client
Addin - Git Features Clearer error messages have been introduced for edge cases when switching branches, such as switching to a branch that doesn't contain the model
Addin - Git Features The LemonTree Enterprise Architect Addin now logs far more information, which will help us track down the remaining issues
Automation Edition The console output now indicates the number of conflicts detected during the diff.
Diff And Merge LemonTree now diffs and merges the Notes of Tagged Values. You can also manually edit the tagged value note, just like other properties.
To do so, navigate to a tagged value in the property viewer, and click the toggle to switch between "Value" and "Note" mode.
Setup LemonTree can now be installed to a directory of your choice

Fixed Issues

Category Description
Addin - Git Features Pulling with uncommited changes in the Enterprise Architect model will now correctly show an error instead of the "Pull successful" message
Diff & Merge Classifiers of ports set with EA 15 are now merged correctly
Licensing Licensing now also works on systems with Unicode-Characters in the username (such as korean characters).
UI - Tree The tree now scrolls to an element selected in one of the lists to show the selected element
UI - Tree Elements/Diagrams with names containing < or > are now correctly rendered in the tree
UI - Diagram Rendering Edge Cases of unrenderable diagrams containing Unicode-Characters have been resolved
UI - Filtering The "Recent filters" list no longer immediately reappears after activating a filter via the Enter-Button
Web Edition Paths to uploaded files no longer show the directories

Known Issues

Category Description
Performance & Memory Version 2.6.0 has increased the performance of diffing and merging, but might consume more memory than version 2.5.0 depending on your model.
For more details, please refer to this page: Performance and Memory
Web Edition The Web Edition cannot merge DBMS sources into an EAP(X) file

Not supported EA features

The section on not supported EA features has been moved to a separate page, which you can find here:
EA Features not supported by LemonTree