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Getting Started

Access LemonTree.Web

You can get the latest LemonTree.Web version via docker using

docker pull

Create a container

To create a container utilize Docker Desktop or via console use docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]. See Docker Configuration.

For more detailed information on how to create and specify a container, visit docker docs.

Using Volumes

To run LemonTree.Web successfully two volumes should be mounted to your container, one containing the license file and another for a defined upload folder for session files. So we recommend to mount

  • a license folder, containing the license file (detailed info to Licensing )
  • and the upload folder for session files

to your container.

Use docker run d -p PORT:PORT --name NAME -v FOLDERLOCAL:FOLDERDOCKER therefore to

  • -p PORT:PORT define a port that is mapped to enable access to the web server
  • --name NAME define a name for the application
  • -v FOLDERLOCAL:FOLDERDOCKER map the local file/folder to the file/folder used in the container, multiple volumes can be mapped

An example can look like

docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name LTW -v ${PWD}\licenses:/app/licenses

For more detailed information on how to mount a volume to your container visit docker docs.

As best practice, we recommend to use:

  • -p 8080:80, to make the containers :80 port accessable
  • --name LTW, to be able to interact with the container by name
  • -v ${PWD}\licenses:/app/licenses, to add a license via volume
  • -v ${PWD}\upload:/app/upload to keep any uploaded sessions in another volume

Usage as Session Viewer

To access any single file session(*.ltsfs) via LemonTree.Web the session file has to be hosted somewhere reachable by the container. This can be a simple fileshare or artefact managment system like Sonatype Nexus Repository.


Following URL-queries are used with LemonTree.Web:

  • sessionAutoStart=true
  • sessionFromUrl=, using the provided session via URL

Using our LemonTree example models it should look like this:
